Some of us have heard of Yogurt but are unclear what it is. And, others think Yogurt is the Western name for our Indian curd (Dahi in Hindi). However, it is not correct. Yogurt and Dahi are indeed similar, but they are not the same.
Both Dahi and Yogurt are fermented milk products. However, there are basic differences between Dahi and Yogurt. This will be discussed in detail in the article.
Differences between Dahi and Yogurt
Let us discuss the differences between Dahi and Yogurt under the following heads.
- Origin
- Culture used for fermenting
- Fermentation process
- Who uses Dahi and Yogurt
- Amount of Lactose
- Nutritional value
- Types available
- How they are used
- Affordability
The term Yogurt has its origin in the Turkish word ‘Yoğurmak.’ ‘Yoğurmak’ means curdle, coagulate, or thicken. Historical accounts tell us that traveling herdsmen used to carry milk in pouches made from animal skin and wear the pouches on their bodies.
The warmth of the herdsmen’s body and the bacteria in the animal’s skin fermented the milk into yogurt. The herdsmen liked Yogurt since it was tasty and had a better shelf life than milk.
The term ‘Dahi‘ in Hindi may have originated from the Sanskrit name ‘Dadhi’ which means coagulated milk, sour milk, and curd. Dahi was known for thousands of years to our ancestors in the Indian Subcontinent. It is mentioned in very old Ayurvedic Textbooks.

Culture used for fermenting
Pasteurized milk at a specified temperature is fermented into Yogurt by adding specific bacterial cultures Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. The warm milk with live culture is rested undisturbed for up to 12 hours. Making Yogurt requires specific bacteria cultures.
Milk is fermented into Dahi by adding bacteria cultures such as strain lactococcus lactis, strain dicetilactis, strain cremoris, or a combination of these cultures to the pasteurized milk at a specified temperature. The culture-mixed milk is kept undisturbed for 8 to 12 hours. Dahi can be made using different bacteria and the choice is much wider.
Fermentation process
The production process of Yogurt needs a regulated fermentation process to achieve a steady and delightful product.
Though Dahi is produced by adding live bacteria culture (like Yogurt), the fermentation process is not as controlled as Yogurt. The fermentation process for Dahi is simpler than Yogurt. The culture used includes lesser standard lactic acid-producing bacteria.
Who uses Dahi and Yogurt?
Dahi and Yogurt are used in quite different culinary traditions in many places of the world and have their unique place. Dahi is popular in the Indian subcontinent, and Yogurt has its presence in Western, American, and other countries.
However, times are changing. And today you can find packed Yogurt in the Indian supermarket. However, due to high prices, they are purchased normally by the upper class on a limited scale. Yogurt can never replace Dahi in Indian homes.
Similarly, due to the presence of migrated Indians in the United States and European countries, Dahi is available in selected supermarket shops in those countries. Mostly, they meet the requirements of migrated Indians. But some natives may also purchase them.
Amount of Lactose
The lactose content in Dahi and Yogurt is considerably less than the milk from which they are made. But, the lactose content in Yogurt, especially Greek Yogurt is less compared to Dahi.
For this reason, people with lactose intolerance issues may be able to consume a small quantity of selected Yogurt, but not Dahi.
Nutritional value
Both Dahi and Yogurt contain healthy nutrients viz. Calcium, Protein, Vitamin A, and other elements. However, some type of Yogurt (like Greek Yogurt) contains higher value of protein.
When you compare the energy gained by eating 100 grams of Dahi and 100 grams of Yogurt, Yogurt gives higher energy than Dahi. Further, the difference is more for Greek Yogurt.
Yogurt contains potassium which may help in controlling blood pressure. Dahi can help people having digestion issues since human digestion system can easily absorb the nutrients in Dahi.
Both Dahi and Yogurt contain probiotics, but the live bacteria in them are different.
Most Yogurts may contain added sugar, but other than sweetened Dahi (Mishti Dahi), Dahi does not contain added sugar.

Types available
There are many variants and types of Yogurts available in the market. These types are differentiated by added fruits and flavors. Greek Yogurt is a typical Yogurt made thicker by filtering off the whey, and it has a higher protein content.
The types of Dahis available are limited to whole milk Dahi, Toned milk Dahi, no-fat milk Dahi, Set Dahi, and sweetened Dahi (Mishti Dahi). The Dahi may have a sweet-sour taste or a strong sour taste. Set Dahi has higher SNF (Solids Not Fat) content.
How they are used
In Indian homes, Dahi is mostly used as part of meals Viz. Dahi chaval/Curd rice, Paratha Dahi, Pulao /Biryani with Dahi Raitha, and so on. Also, as part of snacks viz. Dahi Vada, and Dahi Puri, or as a summer beverage viz. Lassi and Buttermilk.
Yogurt is normally taken as a snack with or without added items like chopped nuts, chia, pumpkin seeds, or almonds, as a topping for fruits, etc. Packed Yogurt is available with a variety of flavors and added fruits. And so, you can purchase Yogurt of your choice and eat it as a snack. Yogurt is sometimes used for salad dressings and sauces in place of cream.
In India, Dahi is produced on a large scale by all milk dairies and it is reasonably priced. However, due to its limited popularity, Yogurt is produced comparatively on a low scale. Hence, its price is appreciably higher than Dahi’s. This makes Dahi more affordable and is eaten by the majority of Indians.
We have discussed the differences between Dahi and Yogurt in the preceding paragraphs. But which is better, curd or Yogurt. In my personal view, both are good for our health. However, since we are used to Dahi in our homes, our first preference goes to Dahi. Hope this article was helpful to you.
You may read the following articles.
What is Dahi/curd and how it is made in dairy
What is Yogurt and how is it made
- Do not eat Dahi or Yogurt made from raw milk, it can trigger critical health issues and death.
- If you are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk and milk products, you should seek your doctor’s advice before adding Dahi or Yogurt to your diet.